Monday, November 15, 2010


Throughout this assignment, a whole lot have been discussed in the issues of Publication and Design. I have learnt that there are numerous ways to materialise a proper and attractive document with the different methods and formats available. However, in designing or writing a document, etiquette and ethical considerations must always be kept in mind from touching on offensive issues such as culture.

I have also learnt that no matter how pretty or attractive your layout and design is, if the content of the document heads the reader to nowhere and has no essential value at all then the document will just be a waste. The general context of a document should give something to the readers while keeping in mind of sensitive and ethical issues.

Other than that, in the creation of documents, I have learnt that if we borrow other peoples hard work and pieces, we should always remember to cite and do referencing. This is because information borrowed without citing could be seen as stealing. From this, in the issues of Publication and Design it is not only about a pretty layout. Content and context is essential to make document worth a look.

The Misuse of Blogs on the Rise

According to Jassmine Shadige's article, she wrote regarding a 28-year old blogger who posted an allegedly insulting comment on his blog following the demise of the late Sultan of Johor. This has created an uproar of dissatisfaction from the public as well as the government where his post received more than 1000 comments of anger. Reports to the police were lodged and he was soon arrested.

This form of freedom of speech has been growing in Malaysia as well as internationally. However, this sort of blogging is foul and insulting which leads to defamation. Law, E. (2008), said that "In civil cases of defamation, when a private person sues another private person for defamation, the Defamation Act 1957 is applicable." However, "In criminal cases of defamation, when the state prosecutes a private person for defamation, Section 499 to Section 502 of the Penal Code is applicable." From this, we can clearly see the seriousness in the offense of misusing blogs as a form of freedom of speech.

With the introduction of blogs as a new media of expressing yourself online, the public is able to write and share stories with readers globally. From this, we start to have bloggers who use blogs as alternative media to touch on political issues which are kept confidential from the public. Regardless of the truth contained in the blogs, it is still considered a crime when their blogs are connected to defamation. For example, in Malaysia the cases of Jeff Ooi and Raja Petra Kamaruddin have been spread widely in the news.

This is why with the advancement of technology and access to blogs, writers and bloggers should keep a clean etiquette and restrain from touching on issues which could cause an upset or issue arising. Regardless of what is said, it is understandable that the public deserves to know the truth. This is why in my opinion the government should not cover up stories and allow different articles and blogs coming out stating the opposite.


Law, E. 2008, "Defamation Law in Malaysia", [Online],, viewed 14 November 2010, (

The Power of Twitter

Twitter a new global phenomenon is rapidly growing in fame and has been implemented by the public worldwide. Regardless of your status or prominence, everyone seems to be using twitter. Introduced as a new micro-blogging application, this software is so mobile that not only is it accessible on a desktop and laptop, but it can also be installed onto our mobile phones for easy access.

Because of this, the public has used twitter to post or update regarding their actions in their daily lives. With access and connections to friends so easily, one wonders how many people actually use this application. According to Murphy D. (2010) in his article for PC Mag he stated that "Since its creation in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Twitter has gained popularity worldwide and currently has more than 175 million users." This brings us to the conclusion that we can see that twitter is now the new norm for blogging.

Presently, it is reported that in Malaysia politicians have now turned their backs and blogging and have followed the crowd into using Twitter. This scenario was said to have begun during Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's Sodomy trial. Observers saw that the 62-year old de facto leader has been using twitter as an alternative media to counter the ruling coalition's alleged attempt to bring him down through the government's main media. From this, other politicians have started to use twitter to not only promote but also discuss issues regarding the political landscape of Malaysia. This is supported by Syed Jaymal Zahiid from The Malaysian Insider who said that "a microblogging site like Twitter allows political leaders like Anwar, DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang and Umno maverick Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah to send short instant updates, ideas and thoughts on current affairs instead of long personal journals."

Therefore, we can clearly observe and see that twitter has been used for various reasons other than the main objective of blogging short updates of your daily lives. Justin Pot wrote in his article for that the other famous uses of twitter rather than just posting up updates are also as a "real-time search engine", "updates on upcoming events", "RSS Feeds" and other useful exploits. Hence, we can conclude by saying that twitter has affected the public and caught their attention by its simplicity but also its versatility. Presently, public figures have also used this application to reach out to their fans and supporters as well as a form of promotion.


Murphy, D. 2010, "Twitter: On-Track for 200 Million Users by Year End",, viewed 14 November 2010, (,2817,2371826,00.asp).

Zahid, S. J. 2010, "Blogging is so yesterday, politicians turn to Twitter",, viewed 14 November 2010, (

Pot, J. 2010, "4 Creative Uses for Twitter for People who think Twitter is Useless", Make, viewed 14 November 2010, ( 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sex Sells: Portrayal of Women in Advertising

Advertising has been used to market and attract audiences in regards to brand new ideas or products. Various approaches have been utilised in the many different commercials that have been broadcasted or printed. This is exemplified by O'barr, W. M. (2005) who stated that "long before America was colonized, commerce flourished in the Old World where various methods were used to promote trade. Notice boards placed outside houses indicated what could be had within. Wine sellers gave free samples in the streets. And actors paraded in the streets attempting to entice onlookers into theatres."

In this case, through the article "Time to Kick Sexism Out of Advertising", we could see that the advertising industry has now moved on to using sexism as a form of attraction instead of the product or service itself. From this, it was stated that the Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) acts as the independent regulator of the industry in the United Kingdom where they have written and enforced rules and regulations on particular ads regarding this issue. The two committees working under the agency are known as the Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) and the Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice (BCAP). Also, the ASA council is a jury of some 15 members comprising of six women who regulates whether ads have breached the advertising codes. Presently, the existing laws remain in force and there were new advertising codes launched in March and will take immediate effect from the 1st of September 2010. In context to this, these new codes are based on the principles that all ads should be "legal, decent, honest and thruthful". Because of this, this issue is being observed and for it to be overcome, it was advised that women should complain to the ASA in cases of ads being inappropriate in their eyes.

The debate regarding sexism in advertising will always go on as it effects the public's female genre negatively. As stated by Sadiq, S. (1997), "Watching a football game, you can usually find an attractive young lady being swept off her feet by a less than attractive man after he opens the beer of his choice. 
Or, if you are lucky, you can witness several young women materialize on a desert island with the male drinker after, of course, he opens his can of beer. These advertisements present women as a goal, a trophy if you will, that can only be attained with the proper beverage. These women seldom have anything to say besides "Yes," making them seem like unintelligent sex objects. Unfortunately, the exploitation does not stop with women." This is also supported by Cortese (2008) who stated that advertising has a great deal to say about gender identity and they have used visual images of men and women to grab the audiences attention and persuade. 

Hence, the use of the models to sell products have been implemented heavily now as it attracts the audience regardless of the issue in context to sexism.


O'barr, W. M. 2005, "A Brief History of Advertising in America",  [Online], viewed 13 November 2010, (

Sadiq, S. 1997, "Delta Winds : A Magazine of Students Essay - Racism and Sexism in Advertising", [Online] Delta,viewed 12 November 2010, (

Cortese, A.J 2008, "Images of Women and Minorities in Advertising : Chapter 3 - Constructed Bodies, Deconstructing Ads : Sexism in Advertising", UniSA Library, [Online] viewed 12 November 2010, (

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Upcoming Fame and Glory of E-Books

Books used to be written down before printers and publishing companies were invented back in 1436 when Johannes Gutenberg created the concept of movable type. (Bellis, M. 2010) From scrolls to codex's, the revolution of books in general has advanced into a new form of technology; E-books. In the transcript for Australian Broadcasting Corporation's "E-books popularity on the rise", it mainly talks about the advancement of technology and how the internet has influenced all the industries available today in one way or another. Steve Jobs and Mark Pesce both agree that the progress of E-books have been overwhelming and used in every corner of the world with Mark mentioning that he suspects in 10 years time, 50 percent of all book sales in major markets will comprise of E-books. This is supported by Steve who stated that with E-books and the launch of Apple's new iPad, you just have to tap on it and buy this book, and the book downloads right onto my bookshelf. Therefore, it is apparent that with the advancement of technology through E-books as well as the new gadgets introduced, the public will turn they're attention towards this form of new media and opt to go with technology.

Gardiner, Eileen, and Musto R. G. (2010), defined the E-book as "aelectronic book (also e-bookebookdigital book) is a text- and image-based publication in digital form produced on, published by, and readable on computers or other digital devices." E-books have created a big impression towards the public as to how easy and beneficial purchasing E-books can be. This is supported by Christopher H. (2009) as he stated that "Depending on the device, an e-book may be readable in low light or even total darkness. Many newer readers have the ability to display motion, enlarge or change fonts." Other than that, the E-book does not only benefit the user but also seen as eco-friendly as Siegel, L. (2009) agrees that "the production of e-books does not consume paperink, etc. Printed books use 3 times more raw materials and 78 times more water to produce albeit they do not require a machine for use. From this, we can see why E-books are rising in the market and paperback is no longer a monopoly in the market.

However, every good thing also has its disadvantages. In our case here for the E-book, the advancement in technology could also be a drawback for consumers as referred by to as "E-book formats and file types continue to develop and change through time through advances and developments in technology or the introduction of new proprietary formats. While printed books remain readable for many years, E-books may need to be copied or converted to a new carrier or file type over time. PDF and epub are growing standards, but are not universal. The lack of a single universal standard could significantly affect the longevity of some works and their availability or readability in the future as a result of the format(s) used at the time of production." 

Hence, we can clearly see that the advancement in technology has influenced the public's options in a great manner. Nevertheless it's still up to preference and likeness of the product which could be a factor. No matter what, technology will progress and newer gadgets and softwares will be introduced. However, we should remember that every new product will have a positive and negative side to it.


Bellis, M. 2010, "Johannes Guttenberg and the Printing Press", [Online], viewed 13 November 2010, (

Gardiner, Eileen, and Musto R. G. 2010, "The Electronic Book", in Suarez, M. F. & Woudhuysen, H. R.'s "The Oxford Companion to the Book", Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, p. 164.

Christopher H. (2009), "The Truth About Ebooks.School Library Journal 55, no. 6 (2009): 18. Wilson Select Plus. [Online Database]

Siegel, L. (2009), "Should we switch to reading books online?", The Observer Magazine, 30th August 2009.

FreeWritingAdvice 2010, "Advantages and Disadvantages of E-book Publishing", [Online], viewed 13 November 2010, (