Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Blogging Community

Blogging communities in short sounds like a group or neighborhood of bloggers. Which is actually indeed what it defines. A more elaborate definition would be a hub or centre that connect people to blogs and bloggers to other bloggers.

A blogging community is essential towards becoming a successful blogger. Therefore there are a few steps that could be taken towards building your own community of bloggers despite wherever each blogger comes from.

The steps that could be useful would be:

1.  Read other blogs to discover other bloggers who share the same interests as you. This also serves as a starting point for you to have newer topics you could discuss with your homogenous readers.

2.  Leave comments on other blogs as it serves as a calling card for other bloggers to find you. Leaving your URL somewhere in your comment would make it a click away from other people to see your blog.

3.  Reply to your comments as to show courtesy towards their willingness to read your blog. Also return the favour of replying to their comments as to answer or discuss questions and comments towards your posted blog. In the end, a simple "Thank you for visiting my blog" would be a nice way of engaging an online friendship.

4.  List your blogs in directories to not only put your blog out in the world wide web but also for other bloggers or readers to easily search for you online.

5.  Blog and write often as to ensure readers anticipation of new discussions and information is fulfilled. This way they would stick to your blog and read and comment on it all the time.

6.  Posts that you blog have to be fresh and entertaining. Readers would be bored if you blog about short and uninteresting posts which has no value towards them readers at all. This would create negative feedback and lost of followers.

7.  Market your blog. You can achieve this by having a signature link to your blog on message boards and forums. An alternative route is to place a signature link in your email signature as well.

According to an article posted by White, N. 2006, the different types of blogging communities contrive of the Single Blog/Blogger Centric Community, the Central Connecting Topic Community, and the Boundaried Community.–-launching-a-new-paradigm-for-online-community

One example of a well-known blogging community is the Global Voices community, which aggregates blogs from developing countries in an effort to get the mainstream media to pay attention to issues in those countries.

The structure of a blogging community can be observed by the chart below:


Nicky, S. 2008, How to Build a Blogging Community,, viewed 30 September 2010, (

White, N. 2006, Blogs and Communities,, viewed 30 September 2010, (–-launching-a-new-paradigm-for-online-community)

Gee Boy, Types of Blogs, viewed 30 September 2010, (

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